Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Midterm Reflection

- I was prepared for all of the topics but the ones closer to the beginning of the year I was not completely prepared for.

- I came out of the test thinking it was easier than I thought it would be, and thinking that I did not do excellent; yet at the same time better than how I actually did

- I personaly could have studies a little more, and not of relied as much on the referance tables

- During class and lab periods before the midterms I fell like we should have reviewed as a class some more by topic. When we did review a little it was random questions that some of us had, whereas if we went through my topic I feel like we would have absorbed the information a little better

Midterm reflection

1. Well i thought I was pretty well prepared. There were a few multiple choice questions that I had no idea how to figure out and that was the same for the short answer too.

2. Before I got my grade I thought I did around the same as my actual grade. I was a little nervous that maybe I did worse than I thought when you showed us that graph of the grades.

3. Reviewed/studied more. Having extra practice problems would have helped as well.

4. By having more practice problems or review sessions after school or during our lab period a couple of weeks before the midterm.

5. Ahhhh....... make sure you turn in all the work and study longer or harder.

Midterm Reflection

1. Were you prepared?
I thought I was sort of prepared, but forgot how to do projectile motion, which was a large part of the test. Most of the subjects I was prepared on, but I would have liked more than one day of formal review.
2. How well do you think you did before you received your grade?
I thought I would get around a B, which I did, but I was still mad.
3. What could you have done to do better?
To do better, I should have time managed better, and study a little more. I should have reviewed more old quizzes and tests rather than just the review packets.
4. What could Mr. Wirth have done better?
I think we should have done more formal review and reveiwed especially the subjects that you did not teach us, because that was a long time ago, example= projectile motion.
5. What suggestions do you have for yourself and your classmates to help us all be more successful in the second semester?
To succeed in the second semester, I think we should all stay on task and help each other out. If one student understands a concept they should help explain it to another who doesn't. This way both students are learning by reinforcing and listening, and it just gives another perspective to learn. Also, just focus on pre-quizzes and reviewing old tests and quizzes.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mmm hair on a bagel

Sorry Mr. Wirth I had to post this though, I hope you understand...

Blog Post: 1/28/08

So today was filled with 80 whole minutes of physics fun! We had lab and class and discussed a lot of topics...

This day began with the slide titled "Midterm Mania," we discussed the midterm grades, a few problems, and the confused looks on some peoples face began to fade away. Physics average was a very lowly 79%, while we found out nearly 15 students received C's WITH THE CURVE, and only 5 in the A range (keep in mind ZERO A+s).

After all of this grade commotion, the class went up in hysterics when Katie Koenig found a huge clump of hair in her bagel. Absolutely grotesque, but she still went down to the commons to get another bagel from the same place. I guess the power of hunger can do that to you. I personally believe that the hair looked like horse hair, maybe lew tried to poison you? You didn't come to the indoor game but whatever... moving on.
Also on the topic of hunger-- Julia and Jess began constructing the new breakfast club schedule, sheet, and honor pledge, which Ellen made up if I might add. On a more academic note...
Topics for next year:
1- Waves
2- Sound and Light
3- Electrostatics
4- DC circuits
5- Magneticsm
6- Modern Physics
Wow, that is a lot of topics, I don't know if we can handle it.
We next watched a movie with the melodic soundings of someone whose name was not on the credits. It discussed that nature worked in SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION. It also stated that the AMPLITUDE of a wave is preserved, while the SIZE is disturbed. PERIOD=TIME, and FREQUENCY=1/Time.
TRENDS: As FREQUENCY increases, PITCH increases causing a DIRECT relationship
As LOUDNESS increases, AMPLITUDE increases

After the movie concluded with a beautiful sunset, Mr. Wirth informed us of his studies. He attended UB, RIT, and THEN SJF. Oh my god, that is a lot of school, think about that second semester seniors... you are soooo not done yet.
Anyways... frequency(wavelength)=velocity of a wave

Mr. Wirth informed us of the attitude and responsibility that he wants to see around room 214? i think.
1- Student Focus :)
2- Work Ethic
3- Classroom Citizenship
4- Responsiblity/Maturity
and yes I had to add that in Jess, because it is extremely important.

TRANSVERSE WAVE: the particles move UP AND DOWN, while the wave moves BACK AND FORTH
LONGITUDINAL WAVE: particles move in the direction of MOTION

Then we moved on to glorious lab, and we worked in a class group to learn about wave characteristics. We got to play with a slinky and a spring, and Austin almost poked someone's eye out. Overall, good day class, good day.

Also, good job on the midterms... don't forget about that 6 point curve that will help us all out!

and peaceout